Online translation platform with native speakers


More than 1000 translators covering over 250 unique language combinations

Translation platform
with native speakers


More than 1000 translators covering over 250 unique language combinations

One of the best
translation platforms
offering full transparency

  • Upload a document and lilo intelligently matches your content to the best-suited translators
  • Get an instant, no-obligation quote to find out how much your translation would cost
  • Choose your ideal translator from our extensive panel of professional freelance translators
  • From upload to ordered in just 7 clicks
  • Lilo also hosts your translation assets to reduce costs and improve turnaround times on future jobs
  • Over 40 file types supported
  • Trying out lilo is risk-free
  • It’s totally free to create a new account – you don’t have to sign up for any costly subscription plans, and won’t need to pay license fees either.

Our benefits

lower costs

high quality

simple process

How to use lilo

Our professional translators

Lilo has an extensive network of professional freelance translators, covering over 250 unique language combinations.

We pride ourselves on being a high-quality translation platform and having automated the middleman, creating a faster ordering process. That way freelance translators experience reduced price and time pressure when working with us.

Do you know how they say Rome wasn’t built in a day? We look at it this way: Because our translators receive fair compensation for their work, are treated with respect, and are supported by our technology, they can invest their time and effort into producing the highest quality translations. Not in processing orders and checking translation assets.

All the while our customers contribute to a fair market while also enjoying the benefits of a simpler process and happy, highly skilled translators.

What our clients say

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